Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Today Show/Marie Claire on Trophy Husbands
Posted on15. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.
Let’s start with the good news: when the media talk about at-home parents, they often act as if there is no other parent in the household. Pieces about “opt-out” women jumping out of the workforce rarely not the partners still logging in hours at the office, and article about at-home dads usually note in passing [...]
Modern Media Man Lineup
Posted on13. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.
Man, it seems like conference week around here, with my At-Home Dad Convention post earlier and my aimed-at-BlogHer-marketers post over the weekend, so I should note that the Modern Media Man (M3) conference now has their agenda online. It’s got one heck of a lineup of marketing gurus, especially online marketing gurus, if that’s your [...]
At-Home Dad Convention: Act Fast to Get Your Discount
Posted on11. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.
Just a reminder: the early bird discount for the At-Home Dad Convention ends this weekend. Act now, and it’s 50 clams. The price jumps to $65 next week. (For some perspective, the early bird AHD rate is *10 times less* than the BlogHer blogger conference that just wrapped.) If you’ve been before, you don’t need [...]