Archive for 'reality tv'

VH1′s Boot Camp for Dads: Dad Camp

Posted on17. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


File this under “not-entirely-sure-what-to-make-of-it”: later this month, VH1 is slated to premier a new reality show called Dad Camp. Here’s how VH1 sets it up: VH1 DAD CAMP is a docureality show that attempts to transform 6 irresponsible soon-to-be dads into respectable fathers. Each couple at VH1 DAD CAMP has a major dilemma: she’s pregnant… [...]


"The Week the Women Went": Dumb TV Not Relegated to the U.S.

Posted on05. Mar, 2009 by Brian Reid.


Very few of you probably remember “Meet Mr. Mom,” an ill-fated, summer-fill-in reality show from NBC a few year’s back that was built around a spectacularly dumb concept: fathers forced to fend for themselves when mom was suddenly taken away to a spa (or somesuch) by evil television producers. The reason you probably don’t remember [...]


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