Archive by Author

The Biggest Threat to Gender Equity: Penelope Trunk

Posted on09. Oct, 2010 by Brian Reid.


[Yes, I had a blast at the At-Home Dad Convention. Lots to unpack there ... watch this space. But first:]
I used to be a little obsessed with a writer named Caitlin Flanagan, who possessed a dangerous combination of talents: she was a razor-sharp and witty writer and she was absolutely committed to the idea that [...]


CNN Gives Lip Service to Blogging Dads

Posted on29. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


As noted in the comments earlier in the week, CNN ran a short bit on blogging dads recently, filmed at the M3 Summit. For some reason, I can’t embed the video, but you can watch it here.
If you’re too lazy to watch, let me summarize: most of clip is a reasonable discussion among some of [...]


Fresh Dad Numbers, All in One Place

Posted on28. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


In preparation for my presentation at the At-Home Dad Convention on Saturday (you’re going, right), I’ve made sure that my at-home dad statistics page is up to date. I’ve realized that there are a bunch of numbers that I’ve come to rely upon that are no longer being updated, and I’m trying to see if [...]


Newsweek Messes Up Masculinity

Posted on27. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Newsweek is aware that *something* is going on with guys. I mean, the evidence is everywhere: the recession hit guys a lot harder than women, social roles are clearly being redefined, women are outearning men, Sweden is doing something right, dogs are sleeping with cats, etc. And they turned that mishmash of fact and anecdote [...]


Integrating ‘Mommy & Me’

Posted on24. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Full disclosure: I have never, as a dad, been explicitly forbidden from engaging in any sort of parental activity based solely on my gender. For a long time, I assumed that excluded dads were something of an urban legend. And then I heard about a Nashville mom interested in keeping dads away. And then I [...]


The At-Home Dad Convention (And My Pledge to You)

Posted on23. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Beginning a week from tomorrow, at-home dads from across the country (and, perhaps, a handful of international dads) will gather in Omaha, Nebraska for the annual At-Home Dad Convention. I won’t go on at length about why the convention is special; if you’ve read this blog for any time at all, you know my feeling [...]


Musings on Modern Media Man

Posted on13. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


This weekend saw the first-ever M3 Summit (or Modern Media Man Summit, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing). I spent a couple of hours clicking through Twitter last night (check out the #M3Summit hashtag), and it sounds like those who made it had a great experience. I’ve only seen a couple of blog [...]


Amazon Decides to Challenge Pampers for Tone-Deaf-to-Dads Title

Posted on12. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


So here is the bad news: Amazon just started a new program designed to help personalize the shopping experience for parents. That’s not the bad news. The bad news is the name: “Amazon Mom.” It has all of the exclusionary, mom-focused thinking that drives me so nuts about diapers baked right into the title.
The good [...]


Dammit, Pampers. Not Again.

Posted on10. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


So the fine folks at P&G have been keeping a low profile, not sending me much in the way of e-mail since Father’s Day, when they embraced dads for at least 24 hours via a Drew Brees-fueled media blitz.
But today, they figured they’d try again, and I received a “Gifts to Grow” e-mail that went [...]


“Baby Blues” and Dad School

Posted on02. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


For copyright reasons, I can’t pull in the image, but it’s worth clicking over to see the charming Sunday comic from Baby Blues. Nothing I like more than the celebration of fatherhood, in all of its diaper-changing, football-tossing glory.


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