Modern Media Man Lineup

Posted on 13. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

Man, it seems like conference week around here, with my At-Home Dad Convention post earlier and my aimed-at-BlogHer-marketers post over the weekend, so I should note that the Modern Media Man (M3) conference now has their agenda online.

It’s got one heck of a lineup of marketing gurus, especially online marketing gurus, if that’s your thing. There are some real luminaries of the blog world. And I’d be remiss in not noting that Cal Ripken will be there (as well as Roland Warren of the National Fatherhood Initiative).

The list of sponsors is growing, too. Should be an interesting confab, and though I won’t be there, I will be curious about the goings on. Twitter hashtag is #M3Summit, for those who want to track by Twitter.

[Registration runs $225, extra if you want to hang with Cal. It's happening Sept. 9-11 in Atlanta.]

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