Archive for 'gender equity'

Integrating ‘Mommy & Me’

Posted on24. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Full disclosure: I have never, as a dad, been explicitly forbidden from engaging in any sort of parental activity based solely on my gender. For a long time, I assumed that excluded dads were something of an urban legend. And then I heard about a Nashville mom interested in keeping dads away. And then I [...]


Dammit, Pampers. Not Again.

Posted on10. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid.


So the fine folks at P&G have been keeping a low profile, not sending me much in the way of e-mail since Father’s Day, when they embraced dads for at least 24 hours via a Drew Brees-fueled media blitz. But today, they figured they’d try again, and I received a “Gifts to Grow” e-mail that [...]


If You Read One At-Home Dad Piece This Year …

Posted on24. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.


… read Salon’s “The shocking new normalcy of the stay-at-home dad,” by Aaron Traister. Traister’s thesis is pretty simple: based on his experience in a blue-collar, old-school Philly neighborhood, at-home dads don’t shock or interest much of anyone. The lead anecdote is about a charming interaction with a representative character: a wizened old woman with [...]


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