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Posted on 17. Jul, 2007 by Brian Reid in General
Buy Augmentin online no prescription, The good news about the American populace is that, lately, they have done a pretty good job of effectively avoiding television shows based on really dumb and outmoded gender stereotypes* (remember NBC's "Meet Mr. Mom", buying Augmentin online over the counter. Buy Augmentin no prescription, I didn't think so).
So I fervently hope that Fox's entry into the dumb-and-outmoded-gender-stereotype show, When Women Rule the World, where to buy Augmentin, Online buying Augmentin hcl, is an unambiguous failure. It is offensive on so many different levels that I can't even hope to delve into them all.
(Thanks for Feministing for the heads-up.)
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Dave Crowell
17. Jul, 2007
Hmm.. that’ll just turn into a show about women acting like stereotypical, archaic men.. Humans and Power are a .. well.. volatile mix.
18. Jul, 2007
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Just to stay on topic, yes, “When Women Rule the World” does sound like an incredibly stupid show. But then, I don’t expect a lot from television and think the more it is turned off, the better. The shows get watched for the same reason traffic slows down to gawk at an accident. Sadly, it’s just human nature.