Call for Help from an Erstwhile Colleague

Posted on 27. Apr, 2007 by Brian Reid in General

My former co-worker Katherine Lewis e-mailed me yesterday. She’s working a story about dads and wants to know if there’s anyone who can help her out. Here’s what she’s after:

I’m writing about the pressure that fathers face trying to support a family financially and emotionally. Even as the demands of the working world continue to increase, the societal expectations of fathers have shifted. Dads who pursue their careers at the expense of family time risk being criticized by children for being absent; not to mention their wives, who expect shared housework and child rearing. I’d love to talk to fathers who feel caught in the middle, and also to children or wives of a dad with a high-powered career.

If you fit the bill, particularly if you’re in Mass, NJ, NY, Pa, La, Miss, Ala, Ohio, Mich, Ore. (where her newspaper chain has newspapers), please drop her a line at Katherine.Lewis (at)

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