Mapping Dads

Posted on 06. Apr, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

Originally uploaded by Rebel Dad.

Today, the link to a new resource, the Stay-At-Home Dad Group and Playgroup Map has gone live. Using Google Maps, I have begun to overlay the location of all of the local at-home dad groups on my sidebar onto a U.S. map. The goal: make it easier than ever to find a group near you.

This is an incomplete map. My goal is to add playgroups to the reference as well, further expanding the choices for a father looking for an outlet. If you have a playgroup you would like to add, please email me at Please include your name (optional), your contact e-mail (required), the frequency of the group (“once a month,” “every Tuesday”), time (optional) and address (if you have privacy concerns, you may provide only the ZIP code).

This is also an effort that is still in beta. Please let me know of any technical problems. I hope to get all of the groups now listed in the sidebar onto the map within a week. If you know of a group I’m missing, please let me know.

As always, all other suggestions welcome.

(Special thanks to Google Maps EZ for providing the tools and Daddy Types’ brilliant map for the inspiration.)

No Responses to “Mapping Dads”

  1. Max

    06. Apr, 2006

    The pic of the map is linking to its source on flikr, not to the interactive map at Did you mean to do that?

  2. Rebel Dad

    06. Apr, 2006

    Point well taken. I’ll try to fix later today …

  3. Phil

    06. Apr, 2006

    Wow, the Pacific Northwest is pathetic. Not that I’m helping out. I’ve tried to get some stay-at-home dads around here together but it’s like pulling teeth.

  4. KZ

    06. Apr, 2006

    PNW merging with the entire Great Basin - it’s a wasteland.

    Luckily, I know one other SAHD family nearby we sometimes play with, although usually after my work. Too bad nap times conflict so much, though.

    I read with interest about half the face-off, until I had to go. I think there is a good point about differing expectations and criteria between parents. My mantra since going back to work after maternity leave first was born is, “Just because he (Daddy) does things differently doesn’t mean he’s wrong.”

    Repeat as necessary. Discuss when it’s truly about the kids and not about preferences.

  5. bruce reynolds

    07. Apr, 2006

    I have been using frappr to map dads in the Seattle area. It looks like the same map technology.

  6. Stretch

    09. Apr, 2006

    Nice effort. There’s another Frappr map showing locations of Dads from the loose affiliation of posters here, at

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