
Posted on 04. Apr, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

It’s all well and good to sit back from the safe space of a blog and snipe at the suggestions/anecdotes/advice dispensed elsewhere in the media. It’s quite another to join that fray, which I have been invited to do.

The Washington Post has scheduled a “Live Discussion” with frequent target Leslie Morgan Steiner and I on Thursday, 1 p.m. The live discussion format is driven almost entirely by reader questions.

I’m excited about the prospect, and I’m curious to see how Leslie and I differ in this forum. Obviously, we live in different worlds when it comes to gender roles, but I’m pretty sure that she’s just as dedicated to the ideals of the flexible workplace as I am. So it should be interesting to see how this shakes out. Maybe we’ll get some fun questions about whether dads are utterly useless, or maybe it’ll all be reader testimonials about their choices. Either way, should be interesting. The fun starts at 1 p.m., but the transcript will be archived for posterity.

incidentally, this is my second Live Discussion. Once upon a time, I was part of an group of “experts” on local golf. So I can be the stereotypical dad, sneaking away with my clubs on the weekend.

Additional Props for the Post: The Washington Post profiled one of my favorite local haunts this weekend as part of a piece on free Wi-Fi. As part of the profile, they define the crowd: “Young families, stay-at-home moms and dads, local business people and retirees.” (ital mine). Nice to see the “and dads” in there …

No Responses to “Face/Off”

  1. Family Man

    04. Apr, 2006

    Before I had kids I had dreams of playing golf early in the morning, which would allow me to spend nearly the entire day with my family. Surprise, it didn’t work out that way. While I prefer to spend the weekends with my family I would love to read your ideas and share tips about how to play golf without ignoring your family.
    Family Man

  2. RebelMom

    04. Apr, 2006

    Paul -

    A) Get someone (i.e. the Post) to pay for your golf. Then it’s technically “work.”
    B) Play at 7 a.m. in February and early March (the Post special section came out in the spring), when no one is on the course. The three-hour round exists!

    When neither A nor B applies, I play very, very little golf. I’m now working on C) getting the kids to play. Automatic family time!

  3. Mark B.

    04. Apr, 2006

    As a SAHD I play golf 95% of the time during the week on the days and times that both my kids are in school (mornings). That will increase next year and again the year after that (YEA!). I can usually walk nine in a couple of hours. It takes all of the guilt of eating up the weekends away. I also am starting my son in lessons this year. I love playing with parent/child pairs. I just think of when my kids and I can play 18 together in the future. And every parent who has played with their child remembers the day when their child beat them for the first time. Can’t wait!

  4. Lauren

    05. Apr, 2006

    The face-off is so exciting! Congrats! We’ll be watching…

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