Posted on 31. Mar, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

The Women, Action & the Media Conference begins today in Boston. I had been invited to speak on a panel called “Start the ‘Opt Out’ Revolution Without Me: Media Coverage of Work-Life and Family Issues,” but for some personal reasons, I won’t be making the trip.

It promises to be one heckuva interesting event, though, particularly the “Opt-Out” session. One of the organizers of the event/panelist, Judith Stadtman Tucker from Mothers Movement Online still asked me for some dad-based perspective on how the media covers fathers. She was wondering where the absolute worst writing on dads could be found.

It was a tough question, actually, and what follows is based on my response to Judy. There is very little bad reporting done on fathers. This is the happy side effect of the not-so-happy fact that there is very little reporting done on fathers (though this is changing, and publications from Parents to Details have done some positive, spot-on pieces about fathers this year). To put it in a more gender-neutral way, there is very little reporting done on the family as a unit. This is a source of deep and abiding frustration for me.

Take the “opt-out” stories. Invariably, these stories (including the original Belkin piece) spend thousands of words talking about mom’s “choice.” Yet to read these stories, you’d think the choice was made in a vacuum where other people don’t exist. These women, by and large, have husbands, but their decisions and motivations are never put under a microscope. We don’t learn if the husbands of opt-out women are different than the husbands of opt-in women or if this is about economics or marital power or a generation gap in expectations about fathers.

(Perhaps the most interesting bit in the interesting-bit-packed Elle profile of Caitlin Flanagan was the news that Flanagan’s husband went corporate largely to enable Flanagan to fulfill her longstanding desire to do the at-home mom thing. What I wouldn’t give to get his perspective, then and now. I don’t know if he’s happy with his decision or not, but he certainly ought to be a part of the story.)

Until the media starts probing the father’s motives as well as the mother’s (and the way the needs of both spouses interact), no opt-out story will ever tell a full or accurate picture. So the absence of dads in these stories constitutes lousy reporting.

The other headache is death by a thousand slights. No writer is dumb enough to bash father directly via long-form journalism, largely because the news is so good. Fathers are doing more around the house, young fathers claim to be more committed to work/life balance than the generation that came before, etc. etc. So if a writer — usually a neotraditionalist woman arguing for a return to the Donna Reed family model — wants to suggest that dads are, at best, bumbling caretakers, they have to do it subtly, as a throwaway aside. The examples abound.

So while the state of dad-focused journalism isn’t terrible, the lack of father consideration in broader family stories means that there’s plenty of family reporting that tells half (or less) of the story.

No Responses to “WAM!”

  1. devra

    31. Mar, 2006

    Our book included fathers. How the hell can you not include fathers?! Fathers are important! Fathers work too! Fathers have feelings! Fathers are devoted to their children! Our survey on guilt demonstrated fathers are contributing 50% or a substantial chunk of time caring for the kids and doing household tasks. The media should be reporting this trend instead of publishing articles which either have parents turning on one another or bashing one to elevate the other. I miss the good old days when “news” meant it something was in an article that brought something “new” in to the public eye.

  2. James Harris

    01. Apr, 2006

    I enjoyed your post today. I didn’t see the Elle magazine article, but I am vaguely aware of Caitlin Flanagan.

    I’m not sure whether this a men/women issue or an younger vs. older issue.

    Younger parents, whose kids are toddlers or in pre-school, have few ways of judging how they’re doing. Media validation can be important.

    When your kids reach high school, your skills (or lack thereof) as a parent start to become apparent. The proof is in the pudding.

    If your kids are getting good grades and have a good group of friends, congratulations. If they’re flunking classes or coming home with alcohol and cigarettes on their breath, you might want to make some changes.

    Hang in there young fathers. Who cares what Elle magazine says? If you’re doing a good job, you’re going to have fine, emotionally healthy children who will be eternally grateful for your hard work and sacrifices.

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