Not Angry. Yet.

Posted on 27. Mar, 2006 by Brian Reid in General

A number of readers have been nice enough to point to an Associated Press story on new sitcoms loaded up for next season. It looks like a show called The Angriest Man in Suburbia has the green light from CBS. From what I’ve read, it should be DOA. I give it six episodes. Apparently, the character won’t be a single-joke grumpy at-home dad. He’ll also hate his new state, California. I really have no idea where the appeal lies, and I can simply hope that the main character’s occupation isn’t mined for tired, thirty-year-old gags.

It is possible to have a father-based sitcom that doesn’t fall into that trap (CBS pulls off its single-father sitcom “Two-and-a-Half Men” without touching the dad-is-a-hopeless-failure-as-a-parent storyline), but simply showing an overwhelmed and irritated father struggling to relate to his smart-aleck kids just doesn’t cut it as humor anymore. Sorry CBS.

Also — File Under “Involved Fatherhood: Benefits”: A new study finds that the quality of a father’s relationship with his daughter is directly related to a delay in sexual activity. I know no one reading this site needs to be convinced, but it’s a nice reminder that your attention makes a difference.

No Responses to “Not Angry. Yet.”

  1. christina

    29. Mar, 2006

    Well said. So sad, CBS.

  2. Sara Wharton

    19. Apr, 2006

    In regards to the comments on Monday March 27, 2006. I understand this seem to be a male discussion but I thought I would interject. We have a situation that allows both my husband and I to be at home. My husband works for the Secretary of State of Arizona but is allowed to work from home. It is a very flexible situation and we think it is great.

    More particularly I wanted to uphold what you are saying about the difference a good father and his relationship with his daughter(s) and sons makes in their lives. My father had six daughters and enjoyed spending time with us and all the family. He was great we all loved him. Of those six the five who are married waited until they were married to have sex, and the one who has never been married never has had sex. My three brother also waited until they were married to have sex. On the other hand when my husband was growing up his father was always gone working and spent very little time at home with his family. Both of my husbands sister were sexually active at a younger age one being only twelve when she started. She had a baby when she was 16. The other sister also had baby out of wedlock and she died a couple years ago under suspiscious circumtances. Both of them have had very difficult and miserable lives. Thankfully my husband got through his upbringing that without being too adversly, although he did do some marajuana as a teenager. His older brother also did the marajuana thing. The youngest brother got into meth for many years though which was very serious. He has surmounted that problem and been clean for two years and is now happily married and expecting his first daughter. So you involved fathers out there keep up the good work

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