Posted on 06. May, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

Instant analysis comes to Rebel Dad. Isn’t that the nifty part of being a blogger? I can tell you that reaction to this week’s Newsweek story from both the Rebel Dad and Rebel Mom communities has been mixed, trending negative, for two reasons.

Reason one: the cover tag. “She Works, He Doesn’t” isn’t exactly true. We sure as hell work. Our pay is just a lot worse. Rebel Dad was prepared to let this slide, but my dearest Rebel Mom made sure it was known that it raised her hackles.

Reason two: the focus was on unhappy people forced into the position. The vocal at-home dad community is, generally, happy with their lot in life. I have no idea how many at-home dads are part of the unhappy and silent group. I would guess it’s not insignificant, but I’d also guess that it’s not a majority.

Finally, Slate, in a feature it calls “In Other Magazines,” sums the Newsweek piece up thusly: “Younger couples who consciously chose this division of labor seem thrilled; older couples who adjusted after the husband was laid off report resentment and scuffles over domestic duties.”

I guess that makes Rebel Dad a young guy. Good news.

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