Posted on 25. Mar, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

Where the heck have I been, you ask? The real answer isn’t very sexy (it’s time to pay the taxman, so I’ve been a bit swamped), so let me run right into some quick Rebel Dad business.

For starters, I received my issue of Parenting magazine earlier this month and turned to my new favorite section on work-family balance. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a hugely important part of the magazine. Almost everyone struggles with who should work/how much/how hard, so it’s nice that the publication takes some time to explore those issues. It would be even nicer if they used as much pulp as they do for the beauty section, but that’s a rant for another time.

This month, there’s a helpful article on making a little bit of extra money at home, with some established companies you can work for at home with few problems. Company number one: Avon Cosmetics.

So much for sex-blind content. I can deal with the idea of holding a Tupperware party, but I can’t imagine anyone sitting down to write a column about job opportunities for moms AND dads and leading with the Avon ladies. It suggests us guys cut out of the loop from the start.

There’s probably been oodles of other Rebel Dad pieces I’ve missed over the past week or so … I’ll do my best to get to them sooner, rather than later.

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