Posted on 27. Apr, 2004 by Brian Reid in General

Sellout. Enough people have asked me about my “Men Who Change Diapers Change the World” t-shirt in the week I’ve owned it that I’ve decided to begin marketing and selling Rebel Dad apparel. Hit the shop for all of your Father’s Day needs. (Thanks to Daddy Zine for turning me on to this particular brand of consumerism.)

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  1. amy

    27. Apr, 2004

    may I suggest American Apparel for your sellout needs? Nice t’s and other sportswear for this kind of thing, and no sweatshop labor. There are also baby-Ts for the shapely womens in your life. Lots of American Apparel t’s were in evidence at Sunday’s march, including mine (“iowa mothers for reproductive rights” on the front, long thing about how abortion rights are good for marriage and family on the back.) , featuring a lot of skinny stacked models.

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