Posted on 26. Apr, 2004 by Brian Reid in General

Today’s edition: thank-yous for the March for Women’s Lives.

* Thanks to the Rebel Family and Rebel Family friend Maria for keeping me company.

* Thanks to the many, many who told me they enjoyed my T-shirt. In the spirit of capitalism, I will begin offering them for sale on this site in a short while.

* Thanks to Christine at Ms. Musings for blogging the event itself.

* Finally, thanks to Gloria Steinem for agreeing to spare Rebel Dad in the rebellion to come. (“I want all you guys to know your presence here will keep you safe in the upcoming feminist revolution,” she told the crowd during the post-march rally.)

Back to the at-home dad stuff shortly …

No Responses to “”

  1. Russ

    28. Apr, 2004

    Hey, rD, props to you as well for going to the march!

    I had hoped to participate in your “Where’s Rebel Dad?” contest and get that free beer (Mmmmm… beer!), but didn’t make it down to the Mall. I would have been hard pressed to find you anyway with such a huge turnout. :-)

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