Posted on 11. Feb, 2004 by Brian Reid in General
Op-Ed Roundup. There have been a couple of fine at-home parent first-person op-edish pieces run in the last week worth noting. The first, this bit from the Iowa City Press-Citizen is a charming little defense of the at-home dad choices. It’s a piece of education and a piece of advocacy with a folksy, sometimes-cheesy Chicken-Soup-For-The-Soul kind of tone. It put a goofy smile on my face.
More serious are these thoughts from (I think) the student newspaper at Portland State University. There are a lot of ideas crammed into it, among them the idea that childrearing should get more attention, the idea that men’s roles are changing and the idea that being a High Achieving SuperParent leads to kids who over over-scheduled and destined to believe the same destructive you-can-have-it-all myth that drive so many parents nuts. The summary, I know, is a bit muddled, but so is the piece. Apologies.