The Public Weighs in on Delivery-Room Dads

Posted on 11. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

The folks at Jezebel were nice enough to re-publish my piece on dads in the delivery room last night. The discussion has been interesting, with a couple of different camps. First, you have the group that think I’m dead wrong to suggest that this is any sort of imperative:

How about you leave it up to the mother instead of telling her how it “should” be done? If I were delivering today, I would by no means want anyone in the delivery room with me except the doctor/nurses. I may well change my mind when the time comes (I’m not pregnant yet!) but if I don’t change my mind, I don’t want to be guilted about leaving my husband or parents out of the process. The father has the next 2 decades to parent the kid; not being present for the first moment is not going to get his dad card revoked.

The second group is just as confused as I that this is even a topic of debate:

My husband and I are not planning to reproduce. However, if we did, and he were not in it for the conception and the delivery, I would kill him. If I have to do all of it, he at least has to watch. That’s how you gain appreciation.

Anyway, good stuff … they’re at 332 comments and counting over there, so if you feel you need to weigh in, there are plenty of people ready to disagree with you.

One Response to “The Public Weighs in on Delivery-Room Dads”

  1. Erik

    15. Jul, 2010

    I was in the delivery room when my son was born. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. My wife’s Labor was 20 hours long, and fairly difficult, ending in an episotimy. Afterward she was so out of it that I was the only one who could speak for her or the baby( such as my near brawl with a nurse over giving my child formula). I couldn’t imagine someone not wanting the father present.

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