Hope for Magazines About Parenting

Posted on 07. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid in gender wars, media

I have, for years, been despondent about the state of the parenting-magazine market, which has — like the majority of the baby-industrial complex — aggressively and intentionally marginalized dads.

This wasn’t the result of some mom cabal, either. There are plenty of guys editing at and writing for these magazines. If you look far back enough, you can even find my byline in some of the larger-circulation parenting books. My editors were primarily other men.

But neither I nor the guys I was writing for ever aired our daddy centricity on the page. So I was thrilled to see Shawn Bean, the executive editor of Babytalk, lay it all out there in a nifty piece titled “Meet the Modern Dad.” It’s full of pride and swagger and confidence in parenting:

That’s right: a dad editing a baby magazine. Let’s be honest. This is not a traditional role for a guy. I push tandem strollers through the halls of our building, inspiring all manner of rubbernecking. I receive emails that read, “Shawn, as a mom I’m sure you’ll love this new bouncy seat.” I am a pro football fanatic who knows the best brand of binkies. I can hook up a DVD player and swaddle a newborn.

I am a 21st-century pop.

The rest of the piece goes on to lay out the stats: dads are a rising parenting power, and we’re increasingly coming together for social support and hands-on advice. We are daddies, hear us roar.

Of course, a more cynical reader would still facepalm at the structure of the article, which stops every few hundred words to reference “What moms should know” about this new, strange type of male. (Because, you know, the article — while *about* dads — isn’t actually *for* dads.) But I’m not that kind of cynical. Not today.

3 Responses to “Hope for Magazines About Parenting”

  1. shawn

    08. Jun, 2010

    hey brian, just wanted to say thanks for the kudos about the dad story. as the only male editor on staff here, i’m holding down the fort for all the 21Pops. if you or any of your readers have any dad-related topics, trends, etc., they’d like to see addressed in our mag, let me know.

  2. Brian Reid

    08. Jun, 2010

    Shawn — Really, really appreciate you fighting the good fight. We’ll do our best to keep you well stocked with good dad-related stuff …


  1. MomLogic Announces the Real Model of Fatherhood: Dad-Zero « Dads - 14. Jun, 2010

    [...] Others, like People for the Ethical Treatment of Men (or PET-M) West Coast Coordinator Walter Goldman, disagree. “MomLogic is hell-bent on believing what they want to believe about fathers. It’s ludicrous!” Goldman also contended that MomLogic’s intent to streamline content with Dad-Zero was actually just a way to cut corners and mask it with some cheap laughs. He cited Sean Bean as Executive Editor at Baby Talk as a perfect example of a parenting publication in touch with today’s family. [...]

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