Posted on 09. Oct, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

It is quiet. It’s almost eerie. The at-home dad media landscape has fallen largely silent. Of course, folks like Being Daddy are still posting (check out this BD instant classic). But all in all, there’s not much to say. I should point out this brief bit on a gender studies program in Iowa. Dads get some ink, but it’s not a very well-done story. It does raise an interesting question, one that I really haven’t seen addressed: are gender studies programs focusing more on at-home dads? And if so, in what ways?

Overseas, we’re getting more ink. Super-dad Bruce Stockler apparently had a piece published in the Times of London titled “I’m a stay-at-home dad, a pariah in the suburbs.” Access to it, sadly, will cost money, but I will reward with beer anyone who can get me the text of the story …

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  1. Tim

    09. Oct, 2003

    Funny you should mention about gender studies. Recently had a phone call to the Cinci dads group from a professor at a Cincinnati college. She teaches a class call ‘ changing roles of men and women in society’ and they are actually studying SAHD’s. She asked if she could get a ‘real’ stay at home dad to come to her class and give a small presentation and answer questions from the students. So…we are obliging and sending out one of the Cincinnati SAHD’s to ‘educate’…I’m anxious to hear his report back! ;)

  2. Rebel Dad

    09. Oct, 2003

    I would love to hear the report, too. Out of curiosity … which school?

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