Huggies Proves You *Can* Sell Diapers with Dads

Posted on 13. May, 2010 by Brian Reid in advertising, diapers, gender equity, television

I’ll admit it: I get perverse joy in needling Proctor & Gamble for their one-size-fits-all Mother’s Day message last week and their dad-on-the-couch coupon mailer earlier this week. But the comeback I get when I raise this issue in mixed company is standard: Pampers markets to mom because that’s who buys diapers in the real world. And while dads might be making strides, it’s still pretty good business to stay mom-centric. And it’s not like P&G are a bunch of consumer product know-nothings. You know what Pampers sales were in 2009? Go ahead, guess.

$8 billion. That’s billion, with a “B.” Remember Avatar’s ungodly growth? Pampers makes nearly three times as much. Every year. So I have sympathy for the “good-business” argument.

Here’s the problem: the fine folks at Kimberly-Clark, which makes Huggies, also know a thing or two about selling billions worth of diapers. And they’ve had no trouble at all making ads with dads. In fact, Huggies may be doing the best dad-focused advertising out there. Take a look:

So if Huggies can do it, why not Pampers. Just sayin’. (And, tweeps, stay strong in your #pampersboycott.)

Update: Just realized that Dad Camp had me beat here by a couple of months. So a belated hat tip to them! Great minds, etc.)

2 Responses to “Huggies Proves You *Can* Sell Diapers with Dads”

  1. Philip (RAOP)

    13. May, 2010

    I hadn’t actually seen these before. Then again, I don’t watch much TV. They are great!! Thanks for pointing them out! They are really well done.

  2. Dawna

    15. May, 2010

    Great articles! As a SAHM with a husband that does plenty of co-parenting, I’d be more likely to buy diapers w/dads in the ads, if i bought diapers based on ads. I’m tired of the one-sided look at parenting, and the assumption that I’m the only one who changes the diapers in my house.

    We “boycott” Pampers because they give my daughter a terrible rash, but their recent problems have me thinking I may never use them if we have more kids.

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