Posted on 30. Sep, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

A truce of sorts has broken out between my blogging provider and my the host of, so I can again post. Yesterday, I threw up a dated post that had long been held hostage by the dispute, and I’ll begin blogging again in earnest now. (Well, sort of earnest. As I mentioned, October looks to be a wee bit busy.)

And though some news has built up while I’ve been struggling with the finer points of FTP, I’ll get to that later. Now, I’d like to celebrate the nice folks at the J.M. Smucker Co. for their new Jif ad campaign. I was tuned into the Today show this morning when I caught a warm, fuzzy peanut butter commerical with a dad making sandwiches with his daughter. I’m a sucker for sweet commercials featuring men fathering. Then, the ages-old Jif tagline begins: “Choosy Moms” — pregnant pause — “and Dads Choose Jif.”

Dads buying peanut butter? Interacting with their children? It’s not the kind of thing I see on TV, especially not from the Madison Avenue ad types, very often. So now I have a new brand of peanut butter. And I need to send J.M. Smucker Co. a note of congratualations.

2 Responses to “”

  1. Tim

    30. Sep, 2003

    Wow! Great about the Jif Commercial. I actually wrote them a note a month or two back complaining about their slogan…yeah well, It was a boring evening and I was out of beer. Anyway, they emailed me back saying how pro-parenting they were and respectful of both the Mother and Father, blah, blah, blah. So- good for them!


  1. PR, Daddyblogging and the Long Road to Equity | RebelDad - 14. Apr, 2010

    [...] be less likely to assume that diaper-club members are automatically moms. Heck, even Jif — which made the single most encouraging (for dads) TV commercial of the last decade — is back to mom-centrism (“Choosy Moms Choose Jif,” says the [...]

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