Posted on 22. Sep, 2003 by Brian Reid in General

OK. I’m really back. And ready to blog. Unfortunately, I wanted to link to yesterday’s Rhymes With Orange comic, but I can’t seem to find it on the web. It’ll get posted eventually. Hint: the title of the comic was “Daddy Day Care.” (If you find the link, please let me know).

Sadly, I don’t plan to be in the New York City area in the next couple of weeks, so I am likely to miss the first (I would guess) one-man play about at-home fatherhood, “A Rooster in the Henhouse”. The first read to submit a review, either in comments or via e-mail, will be entitled to beers from me. It sounds like one heck of a work, and my new goal for the week is to somehow buy/finagle a copy of the script. If so, and if I’m plied with enough alcohol at the convention, maybe I’ll put on a production of my own in Chicago.

The other pop culture note worth making is that tonight (9:30 p.m. Eastern) is the premiere of Two and a Half Men. Not an at-home dad show, per se, but a comedy about men raising children. I have such a hard time scheduling my TV watching, but influential TV critic Tom Shales likes it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on that effort, too.

In the world of at-home dads in the media, I didn’t miss much while I was out, unless you consider dads running the PTA to be revolutionary. There’s other news to report — my monthly Parenting analysis/rant and a nice plug for involved dads from the cooler-than-thou folks at Men’s Health, but I’m not in blogging shape right now. I’ll have to pace myself.

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