Trey Wingo, Nail Polish and Dad Commercials

Posted on 29. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid in television

The government’s National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse has pushed out some absolutely brilliant PSAs urging men “to take time to be a dad.” The ads are old news, but I missed ‘em when they launched in October, and missed them again when Aaron Rochlen pointed them out to me earlier in the year, but they are worth watching if they’re new to you (and worth watching again if you’ve seen them before). There are five of them. I’ve posted my two favorites below, but check them all out and let me know which you like best.



  1. remaking fathers through state propaganda in sweden and the u.s. « Dispatches from Daddyland - 07. May, 2010

    [...] Rebel Dad, here are a couple public service announcements from the National Responsible Fatherhood [...]

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