For the Record … (In Re: Caitlin Flanagan)

Posted on 17. Mar, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

Once upon a time, I took up a good amount of this blog with posts about Caitlin Flanagan, a talented writer with a disturbing and dangerous lack of perspective on how families worked in the real world. She penned provocative pieces, got a gig at the New Yorker and published a book of her perspective-lacking musings. And then she disappeared.

But in the spirit of keeping your enemies close, I want to note (belatedly) that she popped up earlier this year with a bizarre anti-school-garden rant in the Atlantic. For the record, her Atlantic bio says she’s still working on her book on prepubescent girls. So we’re not out of the woods yet.

2 Responses to “For the Record … (In Re: Caitlin Flanagan)”

  1. Nathan

    18. Mar, 2010

    That is a bizarre story. I always thought people gave her too hard a time. She made some good points, wrote well about her family and was an incredible writer (perhaps the only one whose name on a piece got me to read it).

    Of course, I never saw the goofy interviews or comments. Still, she was just not ready to take the weight of hatred that came down upon her. I saw this as a dad on paternity leave for the second time too, as a dad who essentially moved to Sweden to be around my kids more.

    But that school garden piece! What trash. And poorly written. Almost makes me worried that she has cracked …

  2. Rocky

    31. Mar, 2010

    I’m new to your blog, and I only know Flanigan from the Atlantica piece. I was surprised by that piece. I liked it. It made me squirmy, but I liked it.

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