Rush Gives Up the Fight …
Posted on 02. Jun, 2008 by Brian Reid in General
… on doofus dads in greeting cards. As Lance noticed today, some apparently humor-impaired guy from outside Washington, DC was quoted in an AP story about Dad’s Day greeting cards saying that “This idea that men are somehow biologically incapable of caring for their children is the sort of thing that I don’t find particularly funny.”
This is, of course, a true statement. And while Father’s Day cards aren’t a sign of the apocalypse or a major news event, I am tickled that someone noticed that the bumbling-father stereotype lives on in a number of different places. But apparently, Rush Limbaugh thinks the topic is beyond the bounds of reason:
Why is this guy shocked? Why is anybody surprised by this? I mean, men are predators, lousy louts, lazy lugs, dirty and filthy. This is a stereotype that’s been out there for quite a while, and it’s been fed by militant feminazi-ism. Yes, Mr. Snerdley? The program observer has a question. Well, that’s a good question. Snerdley’s question is, “Do real men get upset over greeting cards?” It’s a good question. Apparently this guy does. Apparently, he’s walking around there ready to be offended. You know, there’s certain things that men should not get offended over, they should get mad at. The idea that they’re predators; the idea that they have no stake in seeing their kids if there’s a divorce.
Honestly, Rush, I don’t get shocked or offended or even all that surprised by Father’s Day cards. And I do think that guys may have bigger fish to fry. But the world would indeed be a better place if men weren’t immediately assumed to be utter idiots. I’m doing my part to battle that stereotype. Are you, Mr. Limbaugh?
03. Jun, 2008
I suppose it’s good Rush is reading… I didn’t know he could read. .. learn somethin’ new every day!
03. Jun, 2008
Right but Limbaugh is famous for making idiotic general assumptions based on his extremely limited perspective. So obviously since Rush is an utter idiot, a predator, a lousy lout, a lazy lug, dirty and filthy, it automatically follows that all men are. It’s quite logical actually.
Always Home and Uncool
03. Jun, 2008
Do we REALLY want Rush on our side? Not exactly the very model of a modern model man, the drug-addled, racist bonehead that he is.
04. Jun, 2008
Excuse me. It’s mostly women who have stereotyped men as utter idiots, predators, lousy louts, lazy lugs, dirty and filthy not Rush. And Rush stated that on his show as noted on RDs post about the militant feminazi-ism.
Another fact is that most women unintentionally and unknowingly do more to discourage than encourage a father’s involvement in their children’s lives. Proof of it is in my book “The Modern Mom’s Guide to Dads.”
I listened to the whole clip on Rushs show. And for the most part he was on the at-home dad side. His closing comment about the cards was humorous. And I did not take offense to it.
Rush was just being a guy. Just like me. Why cant guys just be guys? And why cant dads just be dads? Why do so many women insist on turning dads into moms? We parent differently but that doesnt mean we do it wrong?
Rush said a lot of positive things about at-home dads before the card comment. But the first three people who replied to this post decided to attack Rush for one silly comment he made in jest. Did either of you actually hear the show? Or are you casting judgment on Rush based on your hatred of him?
04. Jun, 2008
I know Rush is a father and also an expert at making hay with issues like this. I seriously doubt that he (or any of his listeners) think the problem is as widespread as he makes it out to be but it’s kind of his JOB to be sensational, don’t you think? I’d rather have a picture of my kids blown up for Fathers Day for my wall than a card but I don’t know any dads who’d pitch a fit over getting a card.
Rebel Dad
04. Jun, 2008
Hogan — Nope, I didn’t listen to the whole show, and I have absolutely no idea if Rush is pro- or anti- at-home dads. Wasn’t really important to thjis post: Rush was clear that he thought that cards that showed men to be poor parents was not a worthwhile topic. It’s a fair point, but I (unlike Rush, evidently) don’t think it’s a bad discussion to have.
10. Jun, 2008
Yet another reason I cannot listen to Rush. I get spittin’ mad.
As a feminist (sorry, I’m for gun control and anti-fascist, so I guess you couldn’t call me militant or Nazi, so maybe I should let this slide as I OBVIOUSLY can’t be the kinda woman he’s talking about. Snort.), I totally take offense that feminists are viewed in total as man-bashers. My hubby stays at home and cares for the kids, but I don’t make him stand barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen (we’ve all heard of the pregnant man by now, haven’t we?), nor do I smile and nod my head when I hear sexist comments about SAHDs from both sides of the toilet seat. Rush gives men a bad name.
I can’t speak for men, but *my* idea of a real man is one who does care what’s being said about half the population, even on greeting cards.