Thursday is Hockey Night in RebelDadLand

Posted on 10. Jan, 2008 by Brian Reid in General

I bring you the news that Roberto Luongo, the hottest goalie in the Western Conference of the NHL who was voted by fans to be the starting goalkeeper in the All-Start Game, will skip that contest (and the next game after that) to spend some time with his wife, who is due in April.

I know that I’ve been fooled before by pro athletes putting on a family-friendly face and then pretty much continuing their lives as before (I’m talking to you, Tom Brady). But I’m a sucker for hockey, so I’m giving Luongo the benefit of the doubt. (And if the East should win the game, so much the better.)

One Response to “Thursday is Hockey Night in RebelDadLand”

  1. Dayv Glusing

    11. Jan, 2008

    There’s just something about hockey goalies being good dads eh?

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