Archive for 'Uncategorized'

The Public Weighs in on Delivery-Room Dads

Posted on11. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


The folks at Jezebel were nice enough to re-publish my piece on dads in the delivery room last night. The discussion has been interesting, with a couple of different camps. First, you have the group that think I’m dead wrong to suggest that this is any sort of imperative: How about you leave it up [...]


ParentBlogging Conferences: Now With More Chest Hair

Posted on20. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


I wrote last month that the world of blogging confabs — where blogger talk to each other, and marketer try to talk to bloggers — was opening up to dads with the launch of the Modern Media Man event in Atlanta this autumn. This was a big deal because though there are bunches of mommyblogger [...]


Dads and Workforce Re-Entry (and New Stats!)

Posted on19. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


The Wall Street Journal yesterday tackled the thorny issue of dads re-entering the workforce. This is by no means a new topic (the WSJ did essentially the same piece as early as 2003), but I’m always interested in the anecdotes. According to this week’s piece, by work-family guru Sue Shellenbarger, it really is tough out [...]


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