Archive for 'Uncategorized'
Call for Help from a Reporter
Posted on25. Jul, 2010 by Brian Reid.
This has *not* been a lazy summer, but I wanted to get back on the blogging horse to see if anyone could help with this request: Dear Brian, I’m writing an article for Redbook magazine on couples who made the switch from the mother as primary caregiver with husband as breadwinner to the father becoming a Stay [...]
Do We Really Need Dad?
Posted on18. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.
In honor of Father’s Day, the Atlantic Monthly has decided to rain on the dad parade with a piece titled “Are Dads Necessary?” (In fairness to the Atlantic, it’s from their July issue, so they’re not actually trying to besmirch dads on Father’s Day. I think.) The Atlantic’s answer, in short: Nope. No dads needed. [...]
Moms, Dads, Harmony, Baloney and Babble
Posted on11. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.
(I’m about to rant about an article on Babble. As my blood pressure is about to spike and my grammar and logic will go all to hell, please check out the story now, before you get blogged down in my spittle-spewing rage. (Unless you’re boycotting Babble. Which I totally respect.) Do not read the first [...]