Archive for 'research'
Donate Your Dad-Ness to Science
Posted on05. Mar, 2009 by Brian Reid.
I get contacted from time to time by researchers who want to conduct inquiries into the heart of fatherhood. And I pass a lot of them on, especially if they sound legitimate (have IRB approval, etc.). The latest to cross my desk is this one from Temple that seeks a better understanding of “attitudes towards [...]
Kids Think the Darnest Things (?!)
Posted on15. Dec, 2006 by Brian Reid.
I’m not sure whether to be angry or confused or depressed over research from the University of Maryland that found that while kids between 7 and 10 years old think that moms are perfectly capable as parents *and* wage-earners, they’re less impressed with a father’s ability to stay home. Waaay less impressed: Most kids said [...]