Archive for 'media'

If You Read One At-Home Dad Piece This Year …

Posted on24. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.


… read Salon’s “The shocking new normalcy of the stay-at-home dad,” by Aaron Traister. Traister’s thesis is pretty simple: based on his experience in a blue-collar, old-school Philly neighborhood, at-home dads don’t shock or interest much of anyone. The lead anecdote is about a charming interaction with a representative character: a wizened old woman with [...]


More Love for the NYC Dads

Posted on10. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Check the video: In the interest of full disclosure, this isn’t a particularly groundbreaking clip. (Seriously, can we retire the practice of showing snippets of ‘Mr. Mom’? It’s gone from being borderline offensive to just plain cliched.) But they do say nice things about Lance (if you’re a NYC at-home dad and don’t know Lance [...]


Hope for Magazines About Parenting

Posted on07. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


I have, for years, been despondent about the state of the parenting-magazine market, which has — like the majority of the baby-industrial complex — aggressively and intentionally marginalized dads. This wasn’t the result of some mom cabal, either. There are plenty of guys editing at and writing for these magazines. If you look far back [...]


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