Archive for 'media'

NPR’s Half-Hearted Look at Re-Entering the Workforce

Posted on25. Mar, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Yesterday, NPR took a look at at-home dads, and they started the in the usual, easy, formulaic way: at an at-home dad playgroup (in this case, one of the ones in my old stomping ground). And then the piece pivots to talk about a big and important issue: how dads get back into the workforce [...]


The Latest from Working Mother on Hopeless Fathers

Posted on17. Feb, 2010 by Brian Reid.


A few months back, I dutifully flagged a request from a Working Mother reporter who was putting together a piece on how families were coping with role reversals in cases where the economy flipped breadwinner roles. This is a danger-zone topic for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that it lends [...]


Kids Think the Darnest Things (?!)

Posted on15. Dec, 2006 by Brian Reid.


I’m not sure whether to be angry or confused or depressed over research from the University of Maryland that found that while kids between 7 and 10 years old think that moms are perfectly capable as parents *and* wage-earners, they’re less impressed with a father’s ability to stay home. Waaay less impressed: Most kids said [...]


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