Archive for 'General'

Mystery Solved: CNN, "Mr. Mom" and Rebeldad

Posted on27. Jan, 2009 by Brian Reid.


Thanks to everyone who pointed out the RD mention in this CNN piece from earlier this month, giving a first-person take from Josh Levin on the glories of at-home fatherhood — and the adjustment of trying to ease back into work without fully leaving home. I’m sure plenty of you have lived through this horror: [...]


OK, Who Has Been Talking Behind My Back

Posted on25. Jan, 2009 by Brian Reid.


Just perusing my January stats, and I’m realizing that, around Jan. 12, I had a huge influx of people stumbing across the site. It’s not coming from any links, so I figure someone must have talked up somewhere … you guys have any idea?


Housekeeping/Blogroll/Dad Groups

Posted on25. Jan, 2009 by Brian Reid.


It has been, quite literally, months since I last updated the blogroll, and even longer since I updated the map. I’m now working to correct that. The blogroll should now be up to date. If your blog should be on there but is not, please let me know at (The general criteria is that [...]


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