Archive for 'General'

USA Today on Changing Roles

Posted on27. Apr, 2009 by Brian Reid.


I have maintained this blog for going on 7 years. I’ve made somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,200 posts. That’s a lot of thoughts on fatherhood. And I can tell you that I have never seen the interest level of journalists in fathers doing kid stuff this high outside of the week before Father’s Day. [...]


Dads in the Big Apple

Posted on14. Apr, 2009 by Brian Reid.


The highest-profile at-home dads in the country — the stars of the Fox and Friends segment and overall (deserved) media darlings — are now online. The NYC Dads and Stay-At-Home Dads Group is sharing meetup info, blogging and just generally dropping wisdom. Well worth the click for dads in the naked city.


Sign of the Times?

Posted on13. Apr, 2009 by Brian Reid.


20090410120712.jpgOriginally uploaded by Rebel Dad I was in Chicago over the weekend and saw this sign outside of the family restroom. Leaving aside the random apostrophe, I am wholly unsure what to make of this. Is this a *good* sign, because dads are being specifically included? Or is it *bad* because the sign implies that [...]


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