Archive for 'gender wars'

Hope for Magazines About Parenting

Posted on07. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


I have, for years, been despondent about the state of the parenting-magazine market, which has — like the majority of the baby-industrial complex — aggressively and intentionally marginalized dads. This wasn’t the result of some mom cabal, either. There are plenty of guys editing at and writing for these magazines. If you look far back [...]


Evolution of Dad: A Review

Posted on19. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


So now that the kick-ass documentary Evolution of Dad officially shipping, I would like to tell you all, officially, to see the movie. In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I was massive predisposed to like the films, since it delves deep into a topic near to my heart: the impact that [...]


Marketing to Moms; Ignoring Dads

Posted on18. Feb, 2010 by Brian Reid.


This tweet rolled across my stream this evening, from CK_Lunchbox, wondering what dads thought about the Mom 2.0 Summit (“An Open Conversation Between Moms and Marketers”).Clark Kent said he wasn’t stirring up trouble, but I don’t buy it. (I don’t blame him, either) But I’m not bent out of shape. The mom blogosphere is a [...]


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