Archive for 'gender equity'

The Pampers People Add Fuel to the Fire

Posted on12. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


When I checked the mail today, there was a packet of coupons waiting for me from Proctor & Gamble, the folks who make Pampers. “This is great,” I thought. “This is a peace offering to atone for their repeated Mother’s Day stupidity.” But — of course — it was not. Just another mailing designed to [...]


Burger King Doesn’t Get It

Posted on10. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


One of the battles that I’ve utterly given up on is the idea that fast food restaurants should do away with “girl” toys and “boy” toys. I think it’s silly, and I’m on record as believing that — 9 times out of 10 — the “boy” toy is far superior to the “girl” toy, especially [...]


My Fourth Annual Open Letter to the Morons at Pampers

Posted on07. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Dear Pampers, This evening, I received the following note from you: Hello BRIAN, Happy Mothers Day! Thanks, Mom for all that you do. On this special day, check out the tribute that Pampers has for you! Come join us and other moms on Facebook and YouTube, and take a moment to share what you love [...]


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