Archive for 'at-home dads'

If You Read One At-Home Dad Piece This Year …

Posted on24. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid.


… read Salon’s “The shocking new normalcy of the stay-at-home dad,” by Aaron Traister. Traister’s thesis is pretty simple: based on his experience in a blue-collar, old-school Philly neighborhood, at-home dads don’t shock or interest much of anyone. The lead anecdote is about a charming interaction with a representative character: a wizened old woman with [...]


MTv Takes on the At-Home Dad

Posted on14. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


When it comes to at-home dads and the media, I can usually be counted on to have an opinion. It may be knee-jerk. I may retract it later. But I can usually give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. Not today. I received an e-mail about a new web series from a site owned by MTv Networks [...]


Evolution of Dad: A Review

Posted on19. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


So now that the kick-ass documentary Evolution of Dad officially shipping, I would like to tell you all, officially, to see the movie. In the interest of full disclosure, you should know that I was massive predisposed to like the films, since it delves deep into a topic near to my heart: the impact that [...]


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