Archive by Author

Overworked Husbands=At-Home Moms (But Not Vice Versa)

Posted on06. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Yesterday, I posted on Katherine Lewis’ great WaPo Magazine story on the struggles of a woman to get back into the workforce. But there is an even bigger question that undergirds that whole article: what drives people out of the workforce in the first place? This is the great unmentionable in “opt-out revolution” stories in [...]


The Work of Getting Back to Work

Posted on05. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


The big question when anyone leaves the work force — whether willingly, to be an at-home parent, or unwillingly, for economic reasons — is how you start the process of getting back into the work force. The whole question of re-entry is evergreen, and it shows up (some years more prominently than others) at the [...]


Final Thoughts (for now) on Flexibility

Posted on01. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


I was a bit harsh in my assessment of the White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility, but good night’s sleep hasn’t caused me to renounce my skepticism. Still, in the interest of fair balance, I should say that some people who stare at the issues of work-life balance harder than me have come to some [...]


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