Archive by Author

PR, Daddyblogging and the Long Road to Equity

Posted on14. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


A bunch of people have asked me what I think of Caleb Gardner’s post at the Edelman Digital blog last week on the topic of daddyblogging. In the post, Caleb makes a spirited defense of fathers — and fathers who blog — as a real, important and emerging force that public relations and marketing types [...]


Urban Baby Doesn’t Get It, Either

Posted on13. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Thanks to DadWagon, I went back and looked at an extensive Q-and-A the New York Times Cityroom Blog did with Erin Sheehan, community editor of major parenting site/forum, back in February. Here is the part that caught my eye: Q: Where are all the stay-at-home dads in this city? How come we don’t have [...]


Dads Get Driven Out at Babble

Posted on13. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid.


If you are quick, and you go over to *right now* and look at the top of your browser, you’ll see the site’s tagline: “The Magazine and Community for a New Generation of Parents.” If you’re not quick, it might not be there. As you’ll see when you look at the page, is [...]


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