Archive by Author

Hey Guilty Moms: Follow Our Lead

Posted on02. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Working Mother knows their demographic, so it’s not surprising that they just published an in-depth piece on mommy guilt and what to do about it. That story really isn’t all that interesting. What *is* interesting is a brief sidebar in which they explore a much more important question: why is it that dads don’t seem [...]


Odds and Ends (and Turnabout)

Posted on21. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


Another good week in dad-land. Among the stuff I didn’t have the chance to fully digest: The New York Times said nice things about the new Geek Dad book, including noting that was good stuff for “fathers (and mothers).” Putting moms in parens did not still well with the NYT readers, who proceeded to hijack [...]


George Lopez on SAHDs: ‘Your Ass is Unemployed’

Posted on20. May, 2010 by Brian Reid.


OK. We knew that George Lopez was a moron when it came to stay-at-home dads (back in November, he made fun of Todd Palin — who, for starters, is not an at-home dad — for being a SAHD and a “bum”). But it’s apparently become a standard part of his shtick. If you don’t need [...]


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