Archive by Author

Do We Really Need Dad?

Posted on18. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


In honor of Father’s Day, the Atlantic Monthly has decided to rain on the dad parade with a piece titled “Are Dads Necessary?” (In fairness to the Atlantic, it’s from their July issue, so they’re not actually trying to besmirch dads on Father’s Day. I think.) The Atlantic’s answer, in short: Nope. No dads needed. [...]


The Pampers Boycott is *Off* (For Now)

Posted on18. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


I don’t know how they did it — maybe they got some genetic material off of a coffee cup or something — but the Pampers people have figured out that I actually have a Y chromosome. From my inbox: Hello BRIAN, Remember when you taught the baby how to high five? Or the time the [...]


Slate Says Dads Are Liars (And Why That’s Good)

Posted on17. Jun, 2010 by Brian Reid.


So I thought yesterday’s piece on dads and hormones was likely to be the most fascinating piece I read on fatherhood during this Father’s Day week. But Slate gave it a run for its money with an article that suggests that the results of a recent Boston College study that showed that dads are getting [...]


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