Integrating ‘Mommy & Me’

Posted on 24. Sep, 2010 by Brian Reid in gender equity, moms

Full disclosure: I have never, as a dad, been explicitly forbidden from engaging in any sort of parental activity based solely on my gender. For a long time, I assumed that excluded dads were something of an urban legend. And then I heard about a Nashville mom interested in keeping dads away. And then I saw Dana Glazer’s wonderful film, Evolution of Dad, which captures, on tape, a mom denying Dana an invitation to a “Mommy & Me” class.

This week, Dana put up the 3-minute clip of the film where the exclusion takes place as part of a larger post at Huffington Post.I’ve been open that I understand “moms’ nights out,” and grabbing beers with the guys. But I remain baffled by anyone who would — in a childrearing environment — shut out parents. Dana puts it eloquently:

There’s a famous quote by Gloria Steinem that I think is worth repeating here: “Women are not going to be equal outside the home until men are equal in it.” There’s certainly been a lot of growth in terms of how the genders work together, but there’s still a great deal of resistance from all sides. As a society, we still hold too tightly to old stereotypes of what moms and dads should be doing — even when reality dictates we should be more open.

Curious: any of you ever been excluded in this way?

3 Responses to “Integrating ‘Mommy & Me’”

  1. Nick

    24. Sep, 2010

    I’m glad you’re around b/c I get to vent a little bit here :) The Steinem quote isn’t going to happen, because lots of women are threatened by men being equal at home. It hits them where it used to hit men to have a female boss, or pick an analogy.

    I don’t know if you’ve seen it but has a new entry in the bumbling parental sexism competition: “Amazon Mom,” which gives discounts on diapers and so forth. Dads can qualify for it, but you have to pretend you’re a mom while shopping for diapers on it.

  2. Matt

    24. Sep, 2010

    I’ve never been excluded, but it does kinda suck to go to a class that is called Mommy & Me.

  3. Mum mum

    24. Sep, 2010

    Shared this on our FB page. Love that quote. I’m a mom who would (and tries to) get behind it, and the dad in this household is totally game.

    @Nick… it may happen, though in a limited way for now, because, as you say, lots of women are threatened by men encroaching [anywhere]…but it’s only lots…not ALL.

    Good luck to all parents. Hooray.

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