Can I Nominate NPM as a Convention Speaker for 2011?

Posted on 18. Aug, 2010 by Brian Reid in Uncategorized

Via celeb site comes the news that Neil Patrick Harris is a) preparing to have a baby with his partner and b) considering bailing on showbiz to an at-home dad. While this would probably not be good for the cause of humor and mirth, it would make NPH one heck of a high profile AHD.

With the caveat that I’m sure anyone can really trust celeb news, here is how it was positioned:

“Neil has been working his butt off since he was a little kid,” a friend of the actor tells me. “Everything was about his career until he met his soul-mate, David. Now, with twins due in October, Neil is thinking about taking a break. Moving from Hollywood to New York City to be a full-time daddy.”

Neil: if you’re reading … you might want to check out the kick-ass NYC Dads Group.

One Response to “Can I Nominate NPM as a Convention Speaker for 2011?”

  1. NYC Dads Group

    19. Aug, 2010

    Absolutely! We would roll out the “red carpet” to have this guy join the group…

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