Odds and Ends (and Ole Miss)

Posted on 16. May, 2010 by Brian Reid in odds and ends

Plenty of stuff fell through the cracks while I was obsessing over diapers over the past week. Among the items:

  • My fears that the newest prime time at-home dad (Parenthood’s Joel) was going to launch an explosion of silly stories about how dads are the new crush objects seems to have been premature. Instead, according to the always-reliable Mike Adamick in the San Francisco Chronicle’s “The Poop” blog, he is “the king of the play date, the craft project and the Band-Aid.” I can live with that.
  • Just a reminder that you’ve now missed the chance to get a discount on pre-orders on the Evolution of Dad documentary. Order it anyway. It starts shipping this week. I’ll have a review up later this week.
  • The fine folks at Target are buying Google search ads against the term “rebel dad,” which I find kind of flattering. What are they selling? A University of Mississippi Rebels Tailgate Party Pack. So for all of you at-home dads who happen to also be fans of the reigning Cotton Bowl champions, has Target got a salsa for you!
  • On Thursday, May 27, the NYC Dads Group is putting on a parenting discussion at the 92nd Street Y. It’ll be moderated by the New York Times’ Lisa Belkin and include the Vachons (of Equally Shared Parenting fame). Good stuff. Check out the details and grab a sitter.

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