Odds and Ends and Administrative Stuff

Posted on 28. Apr, 2010 by Brian Reid in admin, odds and ends

While I still have some hiccups from the redesign to iron out, I’m slowly trying build out the functionality of the site. This week, there are a couple of new features that I wanted to flag.

First, I’ve taken advantage of the new functionality that Facebook rolled out last week, so that you can “like” a post without leaving this page. Every post has a “like” button at the bottom, so if you’re a Facebook guy and want to play along, just go ahead and click. I’ll keep exploring the concept … I would love for people to be able to “like,” say, Jeremy Adam Smith’s Daddy Shift right from rebeldad.com, too, but I haven’t figured that out yet. (As an aside, I find the new Facebook stuff, in general, to be a bit creepy. But if it makes the site more usable to you all, I’ll use the technology until something better or more open comes along.)

Second, I’ve rolled out a mobile version of the site, which should make life easier for those of you who like to get your RD fix via your smartphone.

If either of these items don’t work as you’d like them to, please let me know.

Finally, I wanted to let you all know that the website for Daddyshome Inc., the at-home dad non-profit, has launched a blog, which will occasionally include content from me. My first post (on Scooby-Doo) is now up.

One Response to “Odds and Ends and Administrative Stuff”

  1. Philip

    28. Apr, 2010

    It looks like you have been busy. I haven’t had time to play with the new facebook tools on my site. I probably should though. Things are looking good around here. Keep it up!!

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