Pampers Has Figured Out That I Am a Dad. I Think.

Posted on 21. Jun, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Every year, I give the Pampers people a hard time because they send me Mother’s Day e-mails telling me how great it is that I am a mom and how special moms like me really are. It is one of those subtle reminders that society still doesn’t see moms and dads as equally fit parents. (Or equally committed consumers.)

But I should note, in the interest of fairness, that I did receive a Father’s Day greeting from them:
Hello BRIAN,
Moms get a lot of focus, but now it’s Dad’s day in the sun! Dads share their own special bond with their little ones that deserves special thanks and appreciation. …
Now, you can argue that everyone gets this e-mail — moms, dads, grandparents, obsessive coupon hoarders — and that it hardly shows that Pampers has my parenting status figure out. But, heck, I give them credit for trying. And I’ll give them extra credit if their Mother’s Day e-mail next year is equally gender-neutral.

One Response to “Pampers Has Figured Out That I Am a Dad. I Think.”

  1. Keith Wilcox

    24. Jun, 2009

    I am a stay-at-home dad so I know what you mean about society not giving enough credit to fathers in doing a good job raising our kids. I vote for a “Parents Day” rather than “Fathers” or “Mothers” Day, and maybe someday I’ll get it. In the mean time, I’m glad that at least Pampers is trying to be a bit more gender-neutral. That’s a good start… :)

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