More on the Economy and Dads

Posted on 28. Apr, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Though I find this storyline tiring, I should point out this story from Sacramento on another economy-created at-home dad. (There is video, too.) I don’t mean to denigrate Chris Smith’s choice — I’m thrilled for him — but this gets back to the one-dimensional look at things.

I’d love to see reporters start to dig deeper: will guys like Chris go back to work once the economy heats up? Will they stay home? Are they fundamentally similar to the guys who decided to be at-home dads under different economic circumstances? And what is the real cost of going to work versus staying home (this isn’t a new topic, but I haven’t seen any really interesting analyses lately)? Are preschools getting hammered? Are marketers waking up to dads-as-consumers?
There is a lot that could be spun off of this story. Hopefully, the reporting will get better.

4 Responses to “More on the Economy and Dads”

  1. Keith Derington

    28. Apr, 2009

    Hey Rebel!

    You are so right about this theme in the press. A lot of people think that Dad’s only do this because they lose their jobs! I do know a few dads that do this out of necessity, but I for example am “retiring” from my old job to take on the new “job” of taking care of our house and two boys!

    It is crucial that they have parent interaction and they are not raised by day care.

    Good job Rebel Dad and I will follow your posts.

    Spark Dad

  2. Chris

    28. Apr, 2009

    Other good questions: Will one income families become the norm? With outsourcing and automation will we have a choice? Is this the beginning of a major cultural shift?

  3. Working Dad

    30. Apr, 2009

    There is a great story here: Why stay-at-home dads don’t call themselves that, shifting balances of power, less of the whole loss-of-identity problem than older dads dealt with. I just need a big fat magazine that wants the story. Plus, I am living this tale.

  4. Ela Hobs

    05. May, 2009

    To all the Fathers out there!..
    This blog is perfect for you!
    Thank you for sharing!

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