Product-Reviewing Dads?

Posted on 19. Mar, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Someday — when I have ample time and energy — I’d love to start throwing some dad-specific product reviews in here.

In the meantime, who are the best product-reviewing dads in the blogosphere. Not only am I interested, I had a reporter ask me, too. Suggestions in the comments, please.

9 Responses to “Product-Reviewing Dads?”

  1. BuckDaddy

    20. Mar, 2009

    I’ll go ahead nominate and throw myself in for one best Daddy Bloggers that reviews products. I have just started reviewing but I have bunch coming up. Anyone else

  2. Liza

    20. Mar, 2009

    I like Z Recs.

  3. Idaho Dad

    20. Mar, 2009

    I’ve been reviewing stuff for years. Books, CDs, movies, toys. For kids and parents. I probably average 2 or 3 product reviews a month, but I only write up the good items. If something is not worthy, I don’t waste time writing about it.

  4. Jeff

    20. Mar, 2009

    Hey there,
    I’ve been reviewing kid’s books, music, films and toys for a few years now. Like Idaho Dad, I tend to only review the stuff that excites me and my kids. Too much negativity on the web already, I choose not to pile on.

  5. rudy

    20. Mar, 2009

    There is a big screen plasma t.v. in our living room, a computer with the trimmings on it, A play station in on of the boys rooms. Cable channels to amuse them when they want. They are hardly use. One thing after nine kids, The oldes 23 and gone and the youngest 16 month old. After homework is done. Outside they go. The love being outside. Weird in every type of weather So in summer a pool and in winter a sled. WE have a game room for the baby boy, but he just looks out the window. So i take him out to the back yard swing. he loves my hammeck. Any thing to do with outside a child loves. OH the hate saturday mornings it is cleaning house time. but over all when thier friends come over the want to be inside playing of watching t.v., be on the computer, or play games. The the girls like phones,texting, my space, face book, and they love clothes. They love new tech toys blue tooth, berry, ipods. mp3 eta. They can be in or out of the house their minds are so tune on the nexy ring of a text,phone call, of door bell waiting on their friends to show up, the scary part is the oldes is just 12. the boys they are older but keep a watchful eye. I watch the computer and phones and friends talk and behavior. who know what they will come up this year of next year. We still go camping and eat together. All kids are diffrent, I just know mine for know. Got to go the baby just anserwed the house phone.

  6. Monique

    20. Mar, 2009

    I don’t know if it’s just me but isn’t the whole “dad-specific” idea of product reviews similar to your rant about being stereotyped, marginalized and made “other” by mainstream parenting sources and media? If I were a dad I think I would want to know about the products that work and I’d hate to be pigeon-holed as the type of guy who only wants a product if it serves some other function as remote control, beer can or bottle opener or other typical guy-related activity. There are lots of products on the market that were first invented by dads that moms and dads alike find immensely useful/wonderful/intelligent/creative etc. I’m thinking in particular of the mesh food bag teether which eliminates the choking danger in young babies learning to eat. Anyway, I think it would be smarter to redirect your pursuant reporters looking for good buzz stories on dad gear, to the myriad creative inventions dads have come up with lately and secondly, to useful stuff in general because good products are useful to both genders of parents. :) Cheers!

  7. Brian Berliner

    21. Mar, 2009

    I will be reviewing the products that have worket great, and the ones that have worked not-at-all for me and my son, Nate, very soon now on my blog.

    Nate is 2 months old now, so the blogging has been a bit lighter than I would like, but lots of products I’d like to tell you about (Dad’s perspective).

    -Brian & Nate

  8. Brian Berliner

    21. Mar, 2009

    I will be reviewing the products that have worket great, and the ones that have worked not-at-all for me and my son, Nate, very soon now on my blog.

    Nate is 2 months old now, so the blogging has been a bit lighter than I would like, but lots of products I’d like to tell you about (Dad’s perspective).

    -Brian & Nate
    [[corrected the URL]]

  9. Dave T.

    25. Mar, 2009

    I review products of course like the other guys (renamed my site recently to focus on other dad stuff, have always reviewed music, tech and cars, yes I’m an editor at but I did find a few good dad blogs above. Good stuff.

    Probably the thing that sets me apart is I tackle cars with car seats, strollers etc AND meet a dad’s needs more than just a family’s.

    Keep up the high quality work.

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