For Dads Only

Posted on 26. Mar, 2009 by Brian Reid in General

Last week, in response to my post looking for dad-centric product review, reader Monique wrote in the comments that dad-specific product reviews sounded awfully close the mirror image of the kind of mom-only attitude that drives me bonkers when it comes to parenting magazines.

It is a fair comment, but one that’s worth a response.
I don’t think it’s ever a very good idea to have a single-sex discussion of parenting. Blocking dads (or moms) from a conversation serves no logical purpose; childrearing and the related challenges don’t discriminate based on sex, so a just-moms or just-dads approach is meaninglessly exclusionary.
That doesn’t mean that moms and dads don’t have different viewpoints, or that those differences shouldn’t be broadcast. In fact, the more voices we have out there, the better. The problem with the parenting magazines is not that there are pieces that speak directly to mothers, it’s that there are *only* pieces that speak directly to mothers.
This is what’s great about the blog world. You can read a Laid-Off Dad post and get one perspective, click over to Dooce for another, and keep clicking until you have a pretty good feel for what parenting in 2009 is all about. I think one of the voices that is lacking is a great dad product blogger. Not just a guy who will write on remote controls or the relative merits of manly, high-end tricycles, but someone who will bring a fresh view to everything from breast pumps to the relative merits of P.D. Eastman. The more people we have — and the more backgrounds represented — the better that conversation will be.

5 Responses to “For Dads Only”

  1. Dave

    26. Mar, 2009

    speakin’ of blogs.. I did this post a while back.. it’s about being an at-home parent.. and a male.

    The blog itself is all over the map.. but.. if you need a laugh about parenting.. give that link a try.

  2. irjessica

    27. Mar, 2009

    I keep checking your blog for the insight into the Dad’s view. You mention it a bunch. You also talk about the ‘laid off Dad thing’ a bunch. You don’t talk about BEING A DAD, or about STAYING AT HOME. Maybe you can be the one who starts the momentum you wish other to see? I would love that!

  3. Jason

    28. Mar, 2009

    We’ve been doing product reviews at DadCentric for about four years. What we try to do is make them concise, readable, and fun; yes, the product reviews we do skew towards dad-related stuff, but we figure that there are about 3,291,032 mom-related web site and mags out there, so we’re ok with being a tad biased.

  4. Rebel Mom

    28. Mar, 2009

    I have to agree (totally!!) with Monique here, R.D. Sex-specific product reviews are based on gender stereotypes that are harmful to moms and dads and ignore same sex parents wholly.

    The way to combat bias is not to create another.

  5. Robin

    10. Apr, 2009

    Check out for a modern, style-conscious dad’s take on products for and inspired by children. Also Z Recommends, which is co-written by mom and dad.

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