The Best Video Game About Parenting Ever

Posted on 13. Mar, 2008 by Brian Reid in General

My post today over at On Balance is on its way to being the least-commented item I’ve ever written for That suggests that people aren’t taking the time to play with the video game I wrote about: Gravitation. It does an incredible job distilling work-life balance and its trade-offs down to their very essence, and if you have a couple of minutes to download it and play it, it’s well worth your time. (As usual, it was Daddy Types who first flagged this to me.)

7 Responses to “The Best Video Game About Parenting Ever”

  1. Dave

    13. Mar, 2008

    Ok.. I played and commented.. a good game.. I commented that it should have another character to ridicule your character for spending time with the kid and not gathering stars.

  2. Backpacking Dad

    14. Mar, 2008

    This is reminding me of a game Kottke recommended a while ago:

    As he described it “A tiny game that takes 5 minutes or an entire lifetime to play.”

  3. Backpacking Dad

    14. Mar, 2008

    He also said it should be played once before reading the creator’s statement.

  4. Rebel Dad

    14. Mar, 2008

    Passages is by the same guy … interesting stuff, no?

  5. Anonymous

    14. Mar, 2008

    lack of comments is because the game sucks

  6. redman

    16. Mar, 2008

    stay at home dads: get a job

  7. WorkingDad

    18. Mar, 2008

    I definitely want to play this game, if I can find the time… I am also technologically challenged and I am still trying to figure out the download.

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