Requests for Interviews
Posted on 12. Jun, 2007 by Brian Reid in General
It’s that time of year, and the press is looking. So if you fit the description, here are some of the reporter requests I’ve received:
My name is Monica Burge and I am a staff writer with the Northside Neighbor Newspaper in Atlanta (Buckhead) GA. I am looking for local stay at home dads for a feature article in our upcoming Father’s Day edition. Do you know of any fathers in the Atlanta area that would be interested in an interview? (contact:
Journalism students are also looking:
My name is Caitlin O’Hanlon and I am currently a MA in Journalism student at the National University of Ireland, Galway. I am in the process of writing my thesis in the area of The New Generation of Parenting and one of my topic areas is stay-at-home dads. What I am looking for is any of these such males living in Ireland who would be willing to speak to me in the coming weeks, either via telephone or in person. The interviews will be about 15-30 minutes in length and my schedule is fairly flexible as I understand how busy you all are. I can be contacted by email at for anyone who might be interested, and I look forward to hearing from you
Apologies to those reporters whose requests I didn’t post in time.